Hey, it’s Friday!
It has been a week, wouldn’t you agree? From heartbreak in Texas, to personal hurdles to overcome, I’d say we are taking sometime to work through what’s important to us. I know these Fab Five posts tend to be light and fun, so I hope you can find some joy with the heaviness of the world. I took a pledge yesterday to personally serve my community and spread kindness. I forever will love this from Mr. Rogers:
Fred Rogers often told this story about when he was a boy and would see scary things on the news: “My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.”
I know you all are those helping people, so let’s dive into this week’s Fab Five.

1. Color
This upcoming week we are making Strawberries and Cream macarons and the colors we will be using are several of our pinks, as well as sunset colors inspiried by both Chefmaster and Americolor. Let me highlight the top 3 favorites from this line.
- Bakers Rose (Chefmaster)
- Red Red (AmeriColor) Just one drop or maybe two.
- Terrecotta and Deep Pink (Yes! use them together for a glorious pink: start with one drop each.)

2. Studio Organization
Yes! You asked for it. You get it: links to all the things in the studio. Starting with the wallpaper. The gold geometric shapes helps bring dimension into a wall of all white cabinets. The cabinets, HERE is the middle cabinet. As you know last week my kiddos (just the girls) had fun organizing all the colors, here are the organizers I used. I know you will also want to know about the cloth baskets, I found those at Walmart for a steal of a price.

3. Media
Three best time-killers this week:
Book–Get ready to judge me… (I can actually feel your eyes rolling) but this week I needed to just get lost in an easy book, and Twilight was the one I grabbed, I am almost embarrassed to admit how many times I have in fact read this series, but what can I say, it puts me to sleep in zero time flat.
Podcast–Whos familiar with John Jay and Rich? They were my absolute favorite radio DJ’s in Phoenix and Imagine my sincere sadness when I moved to Kingman and realized we didn’t get that station, well, enter podcast. Their “2nd Date Update” and “War of the Roses” will leave you crying from laughter.
Movie–have you ever caught one of my videos where i forgot to mute the sound clip? Its happened a time or two. If you listen closely my current favorite movie is in the background, Cruella. Anyone else just love Emma Stone? She literally is the best. (And this movie streams on Disney +.)

4. In the Kitchen
With summer upon us and my body still working thru the side effects of being bed-bound these past 6 weeks, I have started to eat healthy (I know, I don’t even recognize myself). This includes eggs, chicken, zero yumminess except homemade granola bars. They truly are the best. They taste sweet but with good ingredients in them. For dinner we made this new Strawberry Cob Salad from one of my new favorite follows: Terri, from No Crumbs Left Behind, makes the most magical everything. I started following her for the recipes, I stayed for her love of humanity. Her Citrus Chive sauce is also amazing. Everything is amazing.

5. What’s on the Blog
Well, Hopefully you saw the SUPER fun Red, White and Blue Rice Krispie macs. They were so fun to make. Next week look for the Strawberries and Cream Macarons and all their yumminess. Take heart this weekend, and remember, this is the last weekend of “ASK BARB” where you can go to my stories and ask questions. so head there and throw your question in before we sign off on that memory. For two full years we did “Ask Barb,” and I loved being a part of your Saturdays. I truly did.
Have a hugging weekend–give everyone that is close to you an extra squeeze!

I want to hear from you: a comment or review!